General Description of Pseudomonas Species

Author: Alonzo Bell

Date Published: 09/12/2023

General Description of Pseudomonas Species

Pseudomonas is a gram negative bacteria. It is diverse and has more than 300 genus members. This bacteria is able to easily bond to soil particles, rocks, and other surfaces. Pseudomonas species are infamous for their ability to remediate toxic organics. They utilize solutes, soil particles, and mineral surfaces to derive the nutrients essential for metabolism.

Pseudomonas species thrive in well saturated areas such as wetlands, marsh, bogs, and marine environments. They even inhabit humans and animals. In optimal conditions this bacteria can experience dense growth of microbial biofilms, which gives it capabilities to remediate and remove toxins. Pseudomonas undergoes anaerobic respiration and produces carbon dioxide and water in the absence of oxygen, so they can thrive in diverse environments. Some Pseudomonas aquatic species are known to be contributing agents to parasitic diseases in fish species in marine environments! 


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