Film Reflection: Will Roots Save the World?

Author: Alonzo Bell

Film Reflection: Film: Will Roots Save the World?

Film Link:

Date Published: September 26, 2022


The film which I’m reflecting on is “Will roots save the world?”. The film uses a variety of experiments, research, data, and geographical locations to explain the importance of roots and their functions. This film examines the effects of roots in different climatic regions. One study traces radioactive carbon and uses it to show how carbon is absorbed and distributed throughout the plant. For this study, the tracer used was Carbon-11 which has a halflife of 20 mins. This is particularly important because it shows the pathway of travel of nutrients from the roots to other parts of the plant. Isotopes can be useful when tracking movement of molecules throughout a plant.

There are also 3D technologies now being used to film and scan the root growth process. This technology scans or films the growth of roots from germination (juvenile) to its mature stage. The technology used for this process is Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The film also talks about how the roots help to facilitate the growth of the rest of the plant. The roots are significant to the growth of the plant shoots and movement of molecules.  

Another experiment in this film; observed the uptake and retention of Germanium in plant roots. This experiment observed how metals enter roots and are removed from the soils. This is a process explained as phytomining. I’m interested in an experiment as such because I wrote journal reviews of research regarding; bioremediation of hydrocarbons by microbes, breakdown of inorganic substances by autotrophic organisms and accumulation of metals from coal mine drainage in microbes. This particular study in the film was fascinating to me, because I get to observe a direct benefit of plant roots accumulating metals and metal ions ; which could be detrimental to surrounding environments or organisms. 

Prior and New Knowledge

I did have prior knowledge that roots participate in mutually beneficial relationships with fungi and microbes; such as Fungal Mycorrhizae. Roots undergo interactions with water and soil, and help make those available to microorganisms nearby. This information regarding the film, I have studied in undergraduate horticulture courses. Viewing this film, I learned that in most cases roots make up about half of the overall plant. I thought maybe roots would make up a bigger or smaller percentage of the overall plant size.

 Phyto mining is another concept which was introduced to me by the film. This is a process specific to using plants to extract precious metals from soils. I’ve read research journals similar to this topic but haven’t heard of the specific process of phytomining. 

In undergraduate and graduate courses, I have studied perennial plants and the effectiveness of their root systems especially in the winter seasons. Every year I observe the beginning of the winter season and examine the plants which still remain and remain not. Roots help to stabilize the plant and retain dormant growth for the following season. I did have prior knowledge that roots also help contribute to the hardiness or woodiness of plant stems and shoots in the winter season.

Personal Thoughts

This film highlights some of the general concepts which I agree with regarding the basic functions of roots. The potential that plant roots have just amazes me, because of the many complex functions. Watching the roots growing in real time fascinated me, because I grow domestic plants myself and lack that visual experience. When I plant something I usually have to trust that it will germinate; as opposed to directly and visually observing the root growth from the germination stage to the mature stage. 

Every year in Michigan I observe high plant density areas in each season and note some characteristics about the plants there. Though I don’t collect data, I remember the changes or consistencies of those plant areas and use the observations to assess the root conditions. In winter I know that there are extensive root systems underground which are still viable and keeps the plant alive to resprout the following season. Being able to observe that in real time would be eye opening. In my undergraduate research this process is known as dormancy. The top of the plant dies, while the root system remains viable. The film reminded me of the personal connection which I have with studying horticulture. 

I see all these advantages of root systems, but I don’t see many residents interested in this topic in Detroit. It can often be discouraging when engaging in this type of research because of the lack of empathy for this research by residents.   


The film did provide sufficient experiments, research, and data for this topic. I agree that roots can be used to solve some ecological and environmental problems of the world. 

For the phytomining experiment; the authors could have better explained the biochemical process which the plant undergoes to attain metals from the roots. They could have shown a mechanism or formula to show how metal elements get into the roots . Overall the experiments could’ve displayed on the micro level the mechanisms or chemical formulas by which roots undergo these processes. This would allow viewers to make the direct connection of what specific chemical processes the roots undergo to perform these functions.

The film did display some interesting experiments which helped to drive home the unnoticed roles of roots in various environments. I would recommend this material to people who are interested in horticulture and the biology of plants.


  1. Will Roots Save the World? (2021, August 5th). . DW Documentary.


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