
Showing posts from August, 2023

Critical Review: Bioremediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Industry Contaminated Soil Using Indegenous Bacillus spp.

  Alonzo Bell Critical Review Article: Bioremediation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons from Industry Contaminated Soil Using Indegenous Bacillus spp.  Authors: Prisha Mandree, Wendy Masika, Justin Naiker, Ghaneshree Moonsamy, Santosh Ramchuran and Rajesh Lalloo Journal: Processes Comments to Authors A major contribution of this paper is that it provides context about the specific polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organisms which are capable of remediating these compounds in Johannesburg, South Africa. The authors go into detail about 6 particular Bacillus strains and their ability to break down heavy weight molecular hydrocarbons. A strength of this paper is that the authors focus on using organisms which can oxidize and break down large carbon molecules such as ; naphthalene, athraprene, phenanthrene and pyrene. By focusing on these largely insoluble substances, this study can help influence future bioremediation efforts in areas of concern in South Africa. Another stre...

Critical Review: Bioremediation of lead in water by two pure microorganisms and bacteria yeast consortium

  Alonzo Bell Critical Review Article : Bioremediation of lead in water by two pure microorganisms and bacteria yeast consortium  Authors : Marisol Espinoza, Ana Victoria Selene Gomez, Maria Rita Valladares, Erasmo Flores and Maria Teresa Casteneda.  Journal : Articulos Comments to Authors I like that the authors provide many details and data to support their arguments of the two successful methods used to justify the removal of lead in these experiments. The article tells a cohesive story in explaining  how bioaccumulation and biosorption is effective using Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pseudomonas putida . A major contribution is that focuses on lead as a control contaminant in examining the efficiencies of lead removal. The important methods and procedures are easy to follow and put into layman terms for readers. The authors continue to convey the efficiency which the biosorption method worked in relation to the successful bacteria and fungi. Another major contrib...

Critical Review: Microbiome of highly polluted coal mine drainage from Onyeama, Nigeria, and its potential for sequestrating toxic heavy metals

  Alonzo Bell Critical Review Report Article : Microbiome of highly polluted coal mine drainage from Onyeama, Nigeria, and its potential for sequestrating toxic heavy metals Authors : Ganiyu Oladunjoye Oyetibo, JoyAimiede Enahoro, Chimuanya Amarachi Ikwubuzo, Chiamaka Shileakanwa Ukwuoma Journal : Scientific Reports Comments to Authors The authors do a thorough job of examining metal pollutants in Onyeama, Nigeria. They did a good job of using reference sites with similar environments such as coal mines in Russia and the US. The major contribution of the paper is that it describes many different aspects and parameters of the acid mining drainage occuring in Onyeama, Nigeria and they describe accumulated metal pollutants. The major strength is that it details the presence of abundant microbes respiring in these coal mine drainage areas. Another strength is that the authors do a thorough job of detailing heavy metals and correlating their presence to data and figures which is consist...

Critical Review: Unraveling the bacterial diversity Cangar Hot Spring, Indonesia by Next Generation Sequencing of 16S rRNA gene

  Alonzo Bell Critical Review Report  Article : Unraveling the bacterial diversity Cangar Hot Spring, Indonesia by Next Generation Sequencing of 16S rRNA gene Authors : Almando Geraldi, Chia Chay Tay, Ni’Matuzahroh, Fatimah, Wan Nurhayati Wan Hanafi Journal : Biodiversitas  Comments to the Authors The paper does a good job of explaining different methods and data to argue the biodiversity and dominance of microorganisms in the Cangar Hot Spring, Indonesia. The authors use rRNa to study the activity of bacteria and archaea in that extreme environment. A great strength in this article is that it compares similar relevant studies and while also distinguishing how their study is unique. The methods and technology used were detailed and correlated with finding biodiversity of bacteria and archaea populations, in these extreme environments of Indonesia. Interestingly, this study uses uncultured Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) rRNA technology to examine and analyze the differen...

Critical Review : Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil by petroleum-degrading bacteria immobilized on biochar

Alonzo Bell Critical Review Report Article : Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil by petroleum-degrading bacteria immobilized on biochar  Authors : Bofan Zhang, Liang Zhang, Xiuxia Zhang ; Journal : The Royal Society of Chemistry Comments to the Authors     The major contribution to the paper is that it provides a model of the effectiveness of using immobilized bacteria and biochar to degrade large chains of hydrocarbons. The paper introduces bio-char which is a spent mushroom substrate; and makes great points regarding increasing enzymatic activity and accelerated remediation of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus substances. The authors did a sound job in conveying the methods of bioaugmentation and biostimulation, and the role which it can play in promoting factors that influence thriving microorganisms. With the combination of bioaugmentation and biostimulation; it makes it possible for native organisms to thrive and for introduced bacteria ...